The Role of Home Cooking on Diet Quality

DrNicoleFarmerPodcast Thumbnails 2023

“But I still like to stress to people the ability to have control over your ingredients is extremely important and important for your health. “

On this episode, Dr. Nicole Farmer joins us to talk about her research on cooking frequency in non-Hispanic households and highlights the advantages of home cooking for better diet quality, mental health, and prevention of chronic disease.

Dr. Nicole Farmer is currently a Staff Scientist at the NIH Clinical Center and the Acting Section Chief of the Dietary Behaviors and Biopsychosocial Health Section within The Translational Biobehavioral and Health Disparities Branch (TBHD). In the intramural research position, Dr. Farmer is involved in both community-based and patient research exploring the role of cooking in chronic disease prevention and psychosocial health.

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