Impact of Social Determinants of Health on The Health Status of Asian Americans

dr. jane jih smiling blue shirt asian americans health determinants podcast yumlish

“I think really advocating for yourself, for you. If you don't understand it in English, you speak English, ask them to re-explain to you in a way that you understand. “

Today, we are in conversation with Dr. Jane Jih. She shares the health risks that are more prevalent among Asian Americans, the impact of social determinants of health and the influences of cultural beliefs on the health outcomes on this population and what can be done from a research perspective to address AA needs better. 

Dr. Jane Jih is a practicing adult primary care physician and investigator in the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. Her health equity research focuses on the impact of social determinants of health on chronic disease care and patient-clinician communication including the use of photos as a tool to communicate about health and social factors. She is a Taiwanese American, Chicago native, and mama to two young children.

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