T2D and Lifestyle Nutrition Advocacy

Emily Schilling

“You want to know that people have access to foods, they have access to healthy foods, and most older adults are living on fixed incomes. So they only have a certain amount of money to spend every month on food, or they might be balancing that very small budget between paying for food or medication or transportation costs…” “Communities also are a great source of knowledge and information sharing, like, ‘Hey, my doctor recommended I try this specific medication. Oh, I've never heard about that. Let me talk to my doctor about it…’”

In today’s episode, we are delighted to have Emily Schilling who’s passion for nutrition advocacy and education is both inspiring and transformative. Join us as we explore her journey, innovative approaches to diabetes education, and unwavering commitment to equitable well-being.

Emily is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist who has supported people living with diabetes across the lifespan. As a person living with type 1 diabetes, Emily draws on personal experiences to help others navigate real-life challenges to live healthier, more empowered lives with diabetes.

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